Accountability is supposed to be one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated. However, could there be more to the story?
Does accountability really help if you struggle to build or grow your online business and want to change it? Yes, accountability can make a difference. So long as you use it properly. However, accountability can sometimes backfires. Many people think the key to motivation is to just get an accountability partner. Report your results to them and then, somehow, everything will work out.
However, research has shown that trying to be accountable to someone else without a clear definition of what that looks like can actually demotivate us. If you are going to seek external accountability, ask someone you care about to hold you accountable for a specific part of your goal (i.e. timeline, first steps or certain targets).
Now, there's even more to the accountability story than that. In a study done at the University of Chicago, a specific kind of feedback early on demotivated people. That kind of feedback is negative feedback. And it kills your motivation if your accountability partner is too negative. So you want to have positive feedback early on. However, did you know that even positive feedback can also have a negative effect on your progress? Here's why.
An accountability partner who just praises you won't help you if you get off track. You need someone who can point out *specific* ways you did well. You also need someone who can challenge you when necessary. When you have a big win, it's okay to get praise. However, avoid 'empty praise' like "You're awesome!" Instead, make sure your partner points out the specific actions you took. This helps reinforce those actions going forward. Plus, they can ask, "What can you do even better next time?"
When you apply these subtle distinctions, you'll see a big difference in how accountability helps you or your team achieve your goals!
George Williams, Founder
The Best Workplace for Life